Let's lean about some of the advanced stuff!
Now that you are mostly familiar with MoneyCoach, check out how to do some of the coolest things.
Multi Currency, What's That?
Your accounts can have a specific currency which can be different from the main currency of the app. Perfect for tracking your vacation expenses and more.
Never Pay Credit Card Interest
Managing your credit cards is easy and this quick tutorial will show you how to do that.

Understand Your Subscriptions
Do you know how much money you have spent on Netflix or any other subscriptions? MoneyCoach makes that easy for you using this remarkable report.
Import Apple Pay/Wallet Transactions
You are eating out, but your friend has forgotten their wallet and you have to pay the full price. A day later they pay you back. MoneyCoach offers a really handy way to add this form of repayment.

You've completed the Onboarding, but you just scratched the surface
MoneyCoach is a fully packed modern money management solution and there are still tons of other features for you to explore and learn about. Take a look at our Guides section to learn how to make the most out of MoneyCoach.