MoneyCoach Diaries is my ongoing journey to turn my indie app into a more sustainable part of my business. First time reading? See what happened until now by tapping this link.
Hey dear reader and hopefully MoneyCoach user, this is a short one. I will try to keep it short and sweet. I am writing this on the 6th of May 2023. I am not sure if I remember everything that happened in the last 2 weeks, but I will try my best. If you didn’t get my last update, here is what happened in the first 2 weeks of April 2023.
Apr 16th
On a Sunday evening I wanted to go to the gym. But my mind won’t allow me to. I must fix the website. So I go to the office and work until 10:30 PM. That sucks, but at least I increased the health from 78 to 93/100.
Apr 17th
Working again on the website. Apparently Google is not indexing it correctly. I am using a tool called ahrefs to keep track of my website health.
Busy day today. I have to run some errands and go to the dentist. It always sucks to go to the dentist.
Subscription numbers going down 📉😔
As of now we have more users unsubscribe than new subscribers. The goal this week is to build feedback tools inside the app. I want to understand why this is happening. We have faced this uncertainty since always, because we have no way of reaching our users, besides the ones who subscribe to our newsletter. Not having email addresses is a big disadvantage.
We will remedy this. How? Here are some ideas:
After purchasing Premium
Update 30.04.2023: Nothing implemented
After sending a support ticket
Update 30.04.2023: Still nothing implemented
Apr 18th
IBAN Calculator. The night before I was checking the stats of all my apps. As it turns out the IBAN Calculator app, an app last updated 5 years ago, got more downloads than the MoneySpaces app last month. This is ironic, since the amount of time invested in MoneySpaces is incomparable to IBAN. I decided that the app needed some love, even though it brings us nothing in terms or revenue or exposure. Just for the existing users.
Apr 19th
Website: A never ending story. We worked again on improving the website experience. More articles, made the blog faster and added some design improvements.
Apr 20th
MoneySpaces Landing page. We needed a new landing page for MoneySpaces. Using the tech stack we use for MoneyCoach, we created a new landing page for MoneySpaces.
Apr 21st - Apr 26th
Worked a lot on fixing bugs and doing minor improvements to the app. Started to experiment with OpenAI APIs.
App Releases
We released 2 versions within 3 weeks.
Thanks for the feedback.
Closing the month with a BANG 💥
And not a good one. As you may already know from the previous posts, I love drinking specialty coffee. In fact I love it so much it is one of my main reasons for coming to the office. Besides fixing bugs of course 🤥. So on a Thursday morning just minutes after I turned on the coffee machine, the unexpected happened. Suddenly the machine decided to overheat as a cheap laptop GPU mining Bitcoin and then it went KABOOOM. A white cloud of steam covered the office. And my day went sideways. My mood and the anticipation kick you get from a great cup of coffee early in the morning got teabagged by this. So long bugs, so long new ideas, so long meeting with Krist and other shity things I had to do that day.
That was it more or less this month. I can go on and write for hours, but I don’t think you wouldn’t care about it. If you do and read until here, write me an email ;). I always love that, sometimes even more than someone who is a Premium subscriber for a month :).
Sorry that it took so long to write this, but I was on vacation (or unpaid parental duty in another country) for the last week.
Cheers from wintery Berlin. Perjan
P.s: At this point I wonder if I should have planted the freaking Christmas tree and leave the decorations on. I mean, why bother.