Excited and Humbled: MoneyCoach Featured as a Top App for Apple Vision Pro!

Written by Perjan Duro
 Excited and Humbled: MoneyCoach Featured as a Top App for Apple Vision Pro!

Today marks a significant milestone in my journey as a developer and entrepreneur. I am thrilled and deeply humbled to share that MoneyCoach has been recognized as one of the best apps for the Apple Vision Pro!

As many of you know, the European release of Apple Vision Pro is happening today in Germany, France, and Italy. Being a part of this incredible launch is nothing short of a dream come true.

When I founded MoneyCoach, my vision was to create a tool that empowers people to take control of their finances with ease and confidence. I have poured my heart and soul into designing and developing an app that is not only functional but also beautiful and intuitive. This recognition from Apple feels like a validation of all those late nights, endless brainstorming sessions, and the unwavering passion I’ve invested in my work.

This is a picture I took yesterday in the middle of the night after fixing some last minute bugs.

Reflecting on my journey, it’s been a rollercoaster of emotions and experiences. From humble beginnings to now being acknowledged by a brand I’ve always admired, it’s been an incredible ride. Apple products have always been the gold standard for quality and innovation, and to be recognized by them is an honor beyond words.

I remember the early days, coding late into the night, driven by the desire to create something that could make a real difference in people’s lives. The journey wasn’t easy, but it was fueled by a passion for excellence and a commitment to my vision.

Today, as we celebrate the European release of Apple Vision Pro, I am filled with gratitude. Gratitude for our amazing team who believed in this vision and worked relentlessly to bring it to life. Gratitude for our users, whose feedback and support have been instrumental in shaping MoneyCoach into what it is today. And gratitude for the opportunity to be part of such a groundbreaking launch.

The Apple Vision Pro is a testament to the future of technology, blending augmented reality with unparalleled user experiences. To see MoneyCoach featured on this platform is incredibly exciting. It opens up new possibilities for how users can manage their finances, leveraging the power of AR to make financial planning more interactive and engaging.

As we move forward, this recognition fuels our commitment to innovation and excellence. We will continue to push the boundaries, striving to provide the best possible experience for our users. The journey is far from over, and I am more motivated than ever to keep building, improving, and dreaming big.

Thank you to everyone who has supported us along the way. Here’s to new beginnings, exciting possibilities, and a future where technology and finance intersect in ways we’ve only imagined.

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