If you are syncing your MoneyCoach data with your Apple family members and it is not working properly as it should, it may be best to reset the sync.
Step-by-step guide
On all your devices
- Go to Settings
- Go to Data & Sync
- Turn the Sync option to OFF, on all your devices
On your main device
- Go to Settings
- Go to Data & Sync
- Tap Backup...
- Save the backup on a folder on your iCloud Drive just as an additional safety measure
- Tap Reset Data
- Tap Remove data from iCloud
Now that we've deleted all of the data from your iCloud, we continue with the rest of the steps.
- In Settings / Data & Sync tab, turn the Sync option to Family
- Add your family members to the family share and send them the invitation link
- Wait for the process to complete
- After that is done, go to the Overview and check that all your data is there
On your personal secondary devices (the ones you have under your Apple ID)
- Go to Settings
- Go to Data & Sync
- Tap Reset Data
- Tap Remove Everything
- Go back and turn the Sync option to Family
- Wait for the process to finish
- That's it! Your devices should be in sync
On your family members' devices
- Go to Settings
- Go to Data & Sync
- Tap Reset Data
- Tap Remove Everything
- Find the invitation you received from your family members and tap it
- Wait for the process to finish
- That's it! Every device should be in sync
If you are experiencing any issues with syncing your data across your devices, or you have any other questions, please get in touch with our support team by submitting a support ticket from within the app.