MoneyCoach Diaries: 16 - 30 June 2023

Written by Perjan Duro
MoneyCoach Diaries: 16 - 30 June 2023

MoneyCoach Diaries is my ongoing journey to turn my indie app into a more sustainable part of my business. First time reading? See what happened until now by tapping this link.

Hello you lovely MoneyCoach follower, it is me again, your friendly MoneyCoach founder, the guy who reads all your reviews and who causes nearly all your MoneyCoach bugs 🐞.

As I am writing this peace from the comfort of my vacation hotel balcony, I couldn’t help but notice a feeling of gratitude towards our Premium users. You are the reason why we do what we do. Thanks for supporting the app with your money.

The last two weeks have been insane. Did I mention we are bringing one of the most requested features ever to the market? Can’t wait for you to try it out.

MoneyCoach gets ready for watchOS 10

After watching watchOS related WWDC videos several times, we sat down to discuss how we could improve our app to feel modern and complete the most common tasks faster. A lot of thought went into the design and usability again. We considered what you requested and what I need to use the watch app more.

I would love to show you the redesign now, but maybe I will ruin the surprise. So you have to wait a little bit.

MoneyCoach gets App Intents

App Intents were introduced last year. Not having time to implement them in 2022, I thought now it was the right time to do so. For the non technical, App Intents power App Shortcuts and donate app’s capabilities to Siri and Spotlight Search.

The plan is simple. First we will transition the existing app shortcuts. Second we will extend them. Third, we will create new powerful integrations for iOS 17.

If you care about shortcuts and use them a lot, now is the right time to drop me an email with your request. Since we are here, it is probably best to speak up.

Sharing is caring

For the ones who follow us for years, this message will not be that cryptic. For the newer uninitiated folks maybe. Yes, the time has nearly come to unveil it. Stay tuned because July is gonna be awesome. 🤩

Review requests. One too many

Here is to the ones who left a review. You are the best. Thanks for bringing positivity to my daily work. Obviously I am talking about 5-star reviews, not those who receive pleasure from writing bad reviews.

When we created the feedback flow, we thought to ask our Premium users for feedback on a monthly basis. That is why some of you saw the popup again in the app. We received some cheerful feedback and now you will see a popup every 3 months. Again, this is not to ask you for a review, this is a reminder to engage with us and tell us how we can do better.

That was it for this month.

Thanks, Perjan

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