Getting Started: How To Create a Smart Goal

• written by Perjan Duro
Getting Started: How To Create a Smart Goal

Creating a smart goal should be among the first things you do in MoneyCoach as it will help you and motivate you to save more money each month.

Step-by-step guide

  • Tap "Smart Goals" card on the Overview
  • Tap the floating "+" button
  • Now you can enter:
    • The goal name
    • The goal amount
    • The goal date, when is the deadline to achieve it
    • The goal picture
  • Tap the "Save" button
  • Congratulations, you just created a new smart goal

Additional information

If you set a Goal Date, MoneyCoach will show you how much money you need to save each day in order to reach the goal before the deadline. Smart Goals are a really powerful tool that will help you motivate to save more and achieve your dreams.

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